Financial Policy

Canteenwala Chiropractic is the road to a healthy life!
Manitoba is the only province in Canada to provide coverage for Chiropractic Adjustments. Manitoba Health (MHSC) partially covers each visit for the first 7 visits. You’ll make up the difference of our $55 office visit.
Initial examination: $55
X-rays (if necessary): $35 each view
First 7 Adjustments each year: $45
After 7 Adjustments: $55
Essentially, Manitoba Health covers about one-third of your visit for the first 7 visits a year.
Manitoba Public Insurance
AUTOPAC covers your chiropractic care when you’re injured in a motor vehicle accident. Whether you’re the driver or passenger, whether its your fault or the other drivers fault – you’re covered 100%. That includes your examination, your chiropractic care and any supports you may need such as a cervical pillow or ice pack. All you need to do is get better.
Worker’s Compensation Board of Manitoba
Any worker who is injured at work simply tells their employer, goes to their chiropractor and calls the Worker’s Compensation Board. The only thing you have to do is to show up and get better. Providing acceptance of your claim you’re 100% covered if you’re injured in a workplace accident.